Revenue Models
30 min Package
2 – 12 minute segments
3 – 30 second sponsor commercials, one pre-show, one mid show break, one upon competition.
6 show promotion commercials per day, 7 days per week promoting show
Website promo – on rotation
Social Media Promotion on daily/weekly schedule
Database invitation – subject to available group listener assignment.
60 min Package
4 – 12 minute segments
6 – 30 second sponsor commercials, one pre-show, one mid show break, one half break, one ¾ break, one show completion.
6 show promotion commercials per day, 7 days per week promoting themselves or your show
Website promo – on rotation
Social Media Promotion on daily/weekly schedule
Database invitation – subject to available group listener assignment.
Revenue Model
Main Show Sponsor – Included in all show promo. “This show sponsored by…”
Email/Text/Call In / Voicemail Inbox Sponsor – when referring to any listener/viewer communications.
Guest Sponsor – when referring to having a specific show guest on.
1 – 30 second ad aired 6xs per day, 7 days per week on this station. Can be aired as a stand alone advertiser or a sponsor of your show.
6 – 30 second ads daily promoting your show. 6 ads 7 days per week. Your show with named sponsor.
Single Banner on rotation on station website, click link through to sponsor’s website.
Group/Individual Social Media promotion – focussed in Alberta to start.
Database Invitation – specific to business to business connections. Newsletter, email, sms direct contact with your prospect pool.