
Thank you for your support and deciding to move forward. Here is the link to make your $300 donation. Now that the financial start is complete…

What you need to understand before you start.

You need to make scheduling this to completion a priority. I’m guessing all submissions need to be in by Friday Feb 21 close of business.

For our platforms, we run 4 12 minute segments per hour. These are not “concrete” times. 11:58 or 12:04 is just fine. So when recording you need to have that in mind.

Should you not provide these segments and instead you just send over an hour – we will chop your recordings up as close as possible which may interrupt your show’s flow.

We strongly suggest you script your show in advance. Your script may look something like this:

Show Script Template

Your Show Name
Host(s): [Name(s)]
Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]

Segment 1: Opening 12m

Show Intro

  • Theme music/intro jingle
  • Host introduction
  • Brief overview of today’s topics
  • Call-to-action (CTA) (e.g., “Follow us on [social media], download our podcast, call in at [phone number]”)

First Quick Topic or Teaser

  • Short preview of the main topic or guest
  • Tease a special segment later in the show
  • Listener engagement prompt (e.g., “Tell us what you think on [social media]”)

Transition to Break

  • “Stay with us! When we come back, we’ll talk about [next topic]…”

Break 1 –

  • Ad spot or station identification

Segment 2: Main Content 12m

Deep Dive into Main Topic

  • Introduction of guest or co-host discussion
  • Engaging conversation, storytelling, or interviews
  • Soundbites, listener feedback, or pre-recorded clips

Listener Interaction (if applicable)

  • Read comments, take calls, respond to questions
  • CTA (“Keep sending us your thoughts at [contact info]”)

Transition to Break

  • “Coming up next, we have [next segment]… Don’t go anywhere!”

Break 2

  • Sponsor message, PSA, or station promo

Segment 3: Lighter Segment or Feature 12m

Fun or Interactive Content

  • Trending news, games, pop culture, local events
  • Audience participation, social media polls, contests
  • Guest involvement (if applicable)

Recap and CTA

  • “If you’re just tuning in, we discussed [recap topics]…”
  • Promote upcoming shows, social media, website, sponsors

Transition to Break

  • “We’ll be right back with [final segment]…”

Break 3

  • Commercial or station identification

Segment 4: Wrap-Up and Final Thoughts 12m

Final Discussion or Quick Topic

  • Any additional short topic, guest final thoughts, or closing discussion
  • Listener/Guest appreciation shoutouts

Closing Remarks & Final CTA

  • “Thanks for tuning in! Don’t forget to follow us on [platforms]…”
  • Promote next episode or upcoming event

Show Outro

  • Closing music, tagline, station ID
  • “See you next time on [show name]!”

End of Show (48:00 min)

As you can tell, commercials breaks will be approximately 4 x 3 minutes each.

You get those recordings to me, and I’ll get them scheduled. And of course the question is, how do I send them to you? The files will be too big to email.

What I would like is to set up an ftp site, but that may be a technology challenge for some of you. Instead I suggest you use Google (free) and send via your google drive. They typically start at 15 gig, just make sure that I have access to download from the link.

Part 2

2 emails to members or associates. Specific about the need to reach numbers and establish a media the public can depend on for real information and news. The first, explaining the need, and the second about how we are working together. Wait to send this 2nd email just a bit. We will finish rebranding our sites and stations in the near future and hopefully have a schedule worked out first.

An email to members and associates – the need to connect with those who are following and collecting news that already impacts their specific community. We have a need for more volunteer “local news” reporters. An issue with Council, the need for Doctors, how Agriculture Producers are being affected… if there is real news by real people in the community, we need it.

Basically the purpose is to get more groups like yours who have real issues to share their stories on the media. More stories, more interested parties….more Albertans paying attention. These emails and connections need to go out pretty much today. And what is really important is if there is an existing human connection…. If one of your followers/members actually knows a potential contributor, they need to pick up the phone and make the connection. Getting them in at the beginning before we send out all our promo will be extremely advantageous.


Alberta’s a big place. We need to have presentations to groups all over the Province. 1st. Do you have any members or associates who want to undertake putting together a location and passing out invitations to attend? Any number over 50 is likely a good enough start, with hopes of 100-500. 2nd. Once we have the list of confirmed venues and dates, you will have to look at your schedules and see if you can speak at these events. Whether its you or one of your trusted associates matters not, just keep in mind 15-20m maximum is your time.

So there is no question – we want these events to start at the beginning of March.

Regardless of whether you are presenting or not, you will be part of the event. Should you provide a flag or banner with stand, you also should plan on

We will have these created and printed so every member of our group can connect with those who attend.

Regardless of anything else, we, collectively, need to reach more people and establish in their minds a trustworthy news source. Establishing a connection that provides news, education, information and provokes independent thought on real issues. Establishing focus groups is the winning formula. And most certainly, we need to connect with them in their most convenient manner. Audio, video, print, social media, podcasts etc, whatever that looks like. I order to actually get them prepared to be involved in change. This will be the first step in connecting.

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